Prophesy of pendor disable companion leaving
Prophesy of pendor disable companion leaving

prophesy of pendor disable companion leaving

If you're playing a mod that allows you to turn off your companions complaining about each other, it's fine and you won't need this method. Turning Off Personality Clashes Using MnB Savegame Editor This is the link to the original thread in the TaleWorlds forum: This tweak isn't savegame-compatible, so you have to start a new game. Open scripts.txt in your module folder and search for the following text fragment: The good thing about this method is that your companions won't complain about fleeing battles, murdering, plundering and all the fun stuff. If you don't mind your companions being grumpy like some ten-year old girls, this tweak is absolutely fine.

prophesy of pendor disable companion leaving

It turns off all negative companion interaction and prevents your companions from leaving, but it doesn't prevent their morale from dropping. The original tweak is by the MageLord, later adapted by kefka95. You can download TweakMb from the TaleWorld forum: Here's the link:Īgain, this doesn't work with every module: it works, for example, with Gekokujo. Simply open your module in TweakMB, open, open and choose which options you want to turn off. The main problem with TweakMB is that it's pretty old and hasn't been updated for quite a long time, so you'll probably run into some compatibility issues, meaning that not all the options are available to you. This doesn't work with every module, but there's the option to prevent companions from leaving your party as well as to turn off post-battle complaints, morality-based complaints and personality-based complaints (personality clashes). It just depends on which module you're playing. It may be that you have to combine the different methods. Just make sure that you don't waste your time on these tweaks when you actually don't need them. I think ACoK has the option to turn it off, Prophesy of Pendor has the option to turn off post-battle complaints in the cheat menu as well, and so on. Many players seem to confuse them which leads to problems and misunderstandings.Īlso make sure that the module you're playing hasn't an option to turn off companion complaints before you use one of the following methods. All can upset your companions so they'll actually leave your party. You should also be aware that there are different types of complaints: post-battle complaints, morality-based complaints and personality clashes.

prophesy of pendor disable companion leaving prophesy of pendor disable companion leaving

There are several ways to accomplish that, but not all of them work with every module.

Prophesy of pendor disable companion leaving